Hazendal launches a community initiative to improve youth education

Hazendal Wine Estate celebrated the anniversary of its 320 year milestone with the launch of a new initiative and offering, the Wonderbox, aimed at introduce the concept of education through play to children in disadvantaged communities. The Wonderbox was launched at Hazendal’s Night of Wonders, on 8th November 2019 and the estate raised over 600.000 ZAR to support and improve youth education in the winelands. Education and community outreach have always been close to

Hazendal’s heart, which was, in part, the motivation behind the development of Wonderdal, the first of its kind Edutainment Centre for Children aged 5 to 13, situated at the Hazendal farm. Hazendal’s goal is to make the learning wonders of Wonderdal accessible to as many children as possible, by capturing the educational magic of Wonderdal in a portable WonderBox, which consists of portable science kits, plant growing kits and book libraries, as well as other educational games.

The program will also involve training educators on how to use the educational resources provided in the WonderBox to create an enriching, stimulating and inspiring learning experience for children and teachers alike. With the funds raised Hazendal’s aim is to reach out to underprivileged children so they too can experience the magic of Wonderdal and the educational treasures of the WonderBox.

Find out more about Hazendal: www.hazendal.co.za